Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Matchups will be determined once everyone's money is in.

The Hat: Picking names for brackets

I will use a program called the hat to pick brackets, which I found at

Here is how it is randomized, just so everyone knows:

Step 1) Input names

Step 2) Shuffle

Step 3) Stop and Download names to txt file

Step 4) Input names into bracketmaker

5k HU 2p2 HSNL Championship

HSNL HU 5k Introduction and Brackets

Welcome to the 1st annual 2p2 HSNL HU 5k Championship!

Official Rules:

1) Upon receiving your match of the round, you will have 1 week to schedule with your opponent to find a time to play. You must post in HSNL when the match is going down.

2) Play will be 3 tabling, first to win 2 matches wins. Please be sure to end the 3rd match (do not simply close the table as you will both sit out and stars might get pissed that their games are still running). Get all the chips to one person so that the game actually ENDS.

3) If you must take a break because the game is going too long- both sit out.

4) Do not be an [censored]. Do not team play. It is one thing to do it vs random people, but in a 2+2 tournament please keep it to 1 player per hand. Obviously this cannot be enforced, but just try to keep it legit ppl.

5) Prop bets are encouraged:)

Matches will be best of three for 300bb each.

The bracket link is here:

5k HU 2p2 HSNL Championship